Tecplot Tutorial

In the Tecplot distributions ($TECHOME/examples/python) are some sample python scripts to illustrate different concepts and address specific user-requested features. Over the next few months, we'll dissect these, calling out useful features.
Until then, here is an overview of what's there:

  • Tecplot 360 can read in data produc ed in many different formats using the data loaders provided with the product. This manual describes a complementary approach: writing your data in the Tecplot 360 data format so it can be read natively, providing the best experience for Tecplot 360 users.This Data Format Guide includes the following topics.
  • Permission of Tecplot, Inc., 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550; Bellevue, WA 98006 U.S.A. The software discussed in this documentation and the documentation itself are furnished under license for utilization and duplication only according to the license terms.
  • Permission of Tecplot, Inc., 3535 Factoria Blvd, Ste. 550; Bellevue, WA 98006 U.S.A. The software discussed in this documentation and the documentation itself are furnished under license for utilization and duplication only according to the license terms.

Get started with Tecplot 360 while learning best practices for plotting and analyzing your data. This 30-minute Webinar walks you through everything from loa.

  • Keyframe animation (by Andrew Ritzmann)-- [Tutorial] This script lets you generate an animation based on the viewer's perspective moving. Simply set a view, take a snapshot, move to the next view, takeanother snapshot, etc. When you're done, click 'OK' and the script interpolates ten positions between each snapshot, generating an AVIanimation as its output. Future versions may include more sophisticated splines. Witha two-line change, one can generate a Flash animation. Source: KeyFrame.py
  • Direct Excel Reading (by Andrew Ritzmann) -- This script is illustrative of using a third-party python library to directly read from an Excel file, do some conversion, and plot the results. The reader must be installed separately. The zip file includes the xlrd reader for Windows. Other platforms may download it from John Machin's site.
    The sample geyser temperature reading data is courtesy of Dr. Hank Heasler, National Park Service.
    Zip distribution: convert_excel.zip.
  • FFT(by Jim Carson, based on work by Anders Andressen in Linux Gazette) -- This simple example illustrates loading data, computing anFFT, and plotting the results. The space-delimited data file, sunspots.dat, containsthe number of sunspots observed from 1700 through 2000. Script: sunspots.py
  • Integration visual (by Andrew Ritzmann) -- this pythonscript fills in the area under a curve, useful to show a user whicharea will be integrated. Source: integration_visual.py

TutorialTecplot 360 2008 only (because Tecplot Focus doesn't have these two loaders):
  • Load multiple plot3D grid files (by Andrew Ritzmann) --this python routine uses a TK dialog as a front-end to load multiplePLOT-3D files into Tecplot, saving many mouse clicks. It intelligentlypattern matches for grid and solution files, then uses Tecplot's macrolanguage to actually load the data.
    Script, animated example
  • Load multiple STL files (by Andrew Ritzmann) -- this pythonroutine uses a TK dialog as a front-end to load multiple STL (CAD-typedrawings) data files, saving many mouse clicks.
    Script, (no animation, yet)
Finally, for humor value, my first python script ever:
  • Style-o-Matic (by Jim Carson) -- This script is an example of using python to automate calling Tecplot's macro language. What it does is automatically set surface versus volume styles differently, based on the contents of a text file in the user's TECHOME directory. For example, for volume zones it will toggle off the shade and mesh styles. Archive: styleomatic.zip.

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This page contains a single entry by jim published on January 26, 2008 3:20 PM.

Lesson 1: Hello World was the previous entry in this blog.

Tecplot Tutorial

Python: Toggling zones by regular expressions is the next entry in this blog.

Tecplot Tutorial Pdf

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